Why virtual machines over containers??

Babli Sahu
2 min readMar 2, 2021


Every other tech giant has shifted from virtual machines to containers …..well what made them do so??

The answer is here…….

– Let’s see the difference in Containers and Virtual machines in points:

1.In case of virtual machines , the virtualization occurs in server hardware while in containerization the virtualization occurs in the operating system itself.

2.Containers abstract application from OS, while Virtual machines abstract OS from hardware.

3.In context with the guest environments, in containers guests share the same OS , kernel and sometimes BIN/libraries. For virtual machines each guest s has its own OS kernel and BIN/libraries.

4.Containers allow more guests, as they do not reserve memory assigned to them whereas in virtual machines density of guests is typically limited as they have fixed memory allotments.

5.Typical booting time for containers is in seconds while for virtual machines it takes several minutes.

6.Containers are simpler and lighter than virtual machines.

So many advantages over virtual machines , hence containers are favored.

“Containerization is the new Virtualization.”

But still containers have their setbacks too….The very main problem being applications require complicated installation and integration every time they are deployed along with the demand for power machines.

We need more than just Containers for-

  1. Scheduling (Where should my containers run?)
  2. Life cycle and health (Keep my containers running and health checking)
  3. Discovery (Find my containers which are running)
  4. Monitoring (Are all my containers running well?)

And to manage all such things we need a “MANAGER”

and here the managers are the container management systems such as K8S,OpenShift etc……..

Kubernetes (K8S)is an open source container orchestration platform that automates many of the manual processes involved in deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications.

OpenShift is a cloud development Platform as a Service (PaaS) developed by Red Hat. It is an open source development platform, which enables the developers to develop and deploy their applications on cloud infrastructure. It is very helpful in developing cloud-enabled services.

Features of Openshift:-

  1. Pod auto-scaling
  2. High availability
  3. Choice of cloud infrastructure
  4. Responsive Web console
  5. Rich Command-line tool set
  6. IDE integration
  7. Open Source
  8. CI/CD
  9. Service Mesh
  10. Operator Hub
  11. Server-less
  12. Over the air update
  13. Application topology etc……

……which all makes using containers much easier.

— While Kubernetes helps automate application deployment, scaling, and operations, OpenShift is the container platform that works with Kubernetes to help applications run more efficiently…..



Babli Sahu
Babli Sahu

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